Corporate Hotel Booking Solution
Helping business travelers find the best stays by accessing an unrivaled inventory of competitive hotel deals across any location.
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Save on corporate hotel bookings. Navigate options to make choices from TrackEx’s wide inventory of luxury business hotels. Make business stay not just about productivity but comfort too.
- Single portal with a broad inventory offering best rates and deals on a wide range of hotels/properties
- Mobile app enabling on-the-go booking with easy modification on selections and access to round-the-clock travel experts.
- Price comparison and hotel rating system to compare various offering sand understand what’s included in the choices.
Hassle-Free Corporate Hotel Booking At Your Fingertip
Convenient hotel booking experience with a range of benefits
Manage all corporate hotel booking on a single platform and save time up to 20%. Quit those long searches on third party sites, for TrackEx offers real-time dynamic pricing to easy and free modification and up-gradation of hotel choices. You enjoy the best personalized booking experience. Let not client meetings be just about business but luxury too.
Guaranteed savings and booking assistance with every stay
Whether trying to fit in the best hotel deal within a stipulated budget or making a last-moment reservation for the visiting CXO, we’ve got your back. Choose from an unrivaled inventory of hotels across any locations. Our curated deals cater to all sizes of industries and budgets. Besides offering the best corporate discounted rates, users also get to compare deals to understand what included in their preferences. For queries and other booking challenges, our friendly travel consultants are available 24×7 to give support wherever and whenever you need it.
Get started for free.
3 months free trial. To start your free trial of TrackEx, use your enterprise email address.
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We look forward to showing you how our platform simplifies T&E management for you.
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